Boosting employment and spurring socio-economic growth


As part of the EU-Ministry of Trade and Industry co-funded programme “TVET II- Support to the Technical and Vocational Educational and Training reform programme”, CID partnered with GFA Consulting were tasked with enhancing the relevance and quality of the technical and vocational education and training (TVET) system through curriculum development, capacity building and quality assurance.

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Over the course of the project we worked to improve the quality of TVET curricula to become responsive to market needs through a participatory approach that included the private sector. In doing so, the project sought to improve the quality of existing programs and introduce new programs in secondary vocational schools, technical colleges, and vocational training centers. To achieve this, we adopted a three-pronged approach. Firstly, we established a new national competency based curriculum framework based on employment market demand that was the first to be adopted in the Egyptian TVET sector. Secondly, we implemented a system and set of policies for the continuous development of TVET teachers and trainers. Finally, we introduced a quality assurance system, which includes arrangements for institutional accreditation.


To date, we have launched 31 new competency-based programs through 12,000 TVET teachers and managers. Along with developing curricula for sectors including ready-made garments and electrical installations, we successfully piloted these curricula through the Productivity and Vocational Training Department of the Ministry of Trade and Industry, as well as through vocational schools under the Ministry of Education and Technical Education (MOETE). To ensure institutional sustainability, 140 MOETE staff will be trained on implementation of the newly-developed curricula, over 400 curriculum developers were trained on the competency-based model we designed, and 50 training programs were developed to support in introducing the new and revised curricula.


Having had CID as a partner for the last 10 years in providing support to the Egyptian business community, I have seen that through hard work and a high level of professionalism, CID has now become a first class consulting company, with experienced and motivated consultants, coached by dedicated partners and recognized as a sharp and reliable service provider to the Egyptian industry and community.

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Pierre Mahy
Managing Director, Alagon S.A.

EDBE Egypt would like to express its sincere gratitude to the CID team for their efforts in taking part in preparing our annual report. The CID team spirit and dedication is highly appreciated, and their close follow-up and timely action has truly added a real value to the report.

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Ghada Anis
Enterprise Projects Office, Export Development Bank of Egypt